19 is a celebration of the solar force - the force that enlivens, nourishes and renews all life

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Join Courtney Miller for these special Naam rituals on the 19th of each month at 7-8am PDT / 8-9am MEX / 10-11am EDT (replay to follow).

As important as it is to honor the rhythm of the Moon, it's also important to honor the rhythm of the Sun. While the moon represents the feminine aspects of nature, the sun encompasses the masculine. Connecting to this powerful planet allows us to tap into the radiant, illuminating gifts of the solar force.

What to expect: 19 is a monthly online circle where we share the spiritual wisdom of the Sun. Livestream with Courtney Miller in the morning and awaken the Sun within you through once-hidden Egyptian practices that use breathwork, sound vibration, and rhythmic movement. You'll also learn about the significance of the number 19. Each month, we will explore a specific theme based on the current cycle of nature.

19: Sun Ritual is on the 19th of each month at 7-8am PDT

Replay available for two weeks

JULY: Divine Partnership
• Develop and strengthen your relationship with your heart, mind, and soul.
• Practice the science and art of prayer.
• Strengthen the habit of acknowledging that life is a partnership between the seen and unseen worlds.
• Experience the Wisdom of the Heart/the Solar Path/the Middle Path.
• Understand your Pentagrammic nature, and methods to awaken this power in you.

"Work with the Sun and let its light be your shield, for the universe supports those who work with light."

- Dr. Levry, Lifting The Veil

Enrollment Options

SINGLE EVENT: $30* per single ritual, includes livestream and replay (course access expires 2 weeks after date purchased).

MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: $25* per month / auto-renews / course access does not expire (can be cancelled in your acct settings). Replay available for 2 weeks.

MEMBER DISCOUNT: Giving Naam Wellness members receive 10% off single event enrollment. Event discount accessed with coupon code. CLICK HERE for Membership details and registration.

NOTE 19: Sun Ritual has Spanish interpretation.
*Precios reducidos según el tipo de cambio.

About Your Instructor

Courtney deeply believes that the willing heart opens all doors to healing and positive change, and is committed to supporting this possibility in all her students' lives. She has experienced first hand through decades of study and application that each one of us is empowered to create our life, and our only obstacles are the limitations we place on ourselves. Through Divine Spiritual Wisdom and Naam Yoga her students learn techniques and guidelines to cast off sub-conscious and conscious limitations to significantly improve their success in relationships, their career and overall happiness. A dedicated student of renowned Universal Kabbalist Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, Courtney makes even the most complex topic accessible and fun through her open-hearted approach and laughter. Beloved for these qualities, she is a teacher trainer who travels world-wide to share these teachings.