What is the Inner Voice & Vibrational Wisdom?


All of life is sacred. The voice is the seat of our expression in this world. The voice is a reflection of our Soul and of our Purpose. To be fully self expressed is to actualize that Divine Current of Life Force energy that is pulsing through us and has called us into BEING. Aligning with our Purpose and with the Flow of LIFE is an essential part of finding where we fit within the GREAT WHOLE.

Our voice - our ability to give and to speak - is connected to our ability to receive and to listen. The messages that we've been given over time can accumulate, effecting our ability to hear. When we receive negative messages, the body's self defense mechanism begins to kick in & to some degree stop us from receiving the unfriendly input. This results in blockages in our expression in proportion to the barriers we constructed to keep out abuse & trauma.

Part of being fully self-expressed is learning how to listen once again, learning how to trust ourselves & trust that the world is a kind & benevolent place. When we feel free to receive messages from the universe & hence allow universal life force energy to move through us, we have greater and greater access to the creative force of the universe & the Divine Sweetness of Life.


Learn principles & techniques of raising your vibration through esoteric wisdom practices - to enhance your overall experience of LIFE.

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